Charles Awurum, a veteran Nollywood actor, shared insights into his lifelong passion for sports, particularly football, in a recent interview. His early engagement with the sport began during his secondary school days at Ansar Ud Deen High School, where he played as a right-winger and occasionally as a right-back. Representing his school in the Principal’s Cup around 1979, Awurum recalls facing formidable opponents like CMS, acknowledging their superior skills and attributing their early exit from the competition to the tough competition. While he harbored a desire to pursue a career in football, his father prioritized academics, emphasizing the importance of education over sports, a decision that ultimately shaped his career path.
Reflecting on his father’s influence, Awurum acknowledged that the football landscape of his youth differed significantly from the current era. The opportunities and financial rewards available to footballers today were absent back then, making academic pursuits a more pragmatic choice. He does not express regret for not pursuing a professional football career, recognizing the limitations and challenges that existed during his formative years. Had the current lucrative and structured football system been in place, he might have considered a different path.
Awurum’s allegiance lies firmly with Arsenal Football Club, a team he has supported for many years. His affinity for the Gunners stems from the era when Nigerian football legend Kanu Nwankwo graced the Emirates Stadium. Kanu’s presence cemented Awurum’s loyalty to Arsenal, and he has remained a steadfast supporter even after Kanu’s departure, maintaining the former Super Eagles star as his all-time favorite player. He expressed his delight at Arsenal’s recent successes, particularly their improved consistency in the league, a welcome change from the periods of fluctuating performance that often left fans heartbroken.
Beyond his club allegiance, Awurum is a devoted supporter of the Nigerian national team, the Super Eagles. Regardless of their form or performance, he makes it a point to watch their matches, a testament to his unwavering patriotism. He admits, however, that the emotional rollercoaster of supporting the national team has lessened over time. The significant financial rewards earned by modern players have somewhat detached him from the intense emotional investment he once had. While he still feels a pang of disappointment when they lose, he believes that the players, as the primary beneficiaries of their success or failure, should bear the brunt of the emotional burden. He observes a perceived lack of determination and passion in the current generation of Super Eagles players, contrasting it with the fiery commitment of past generations.
Regarding the quality of Nigerian football, Awurum believes that the overall enthusiasm and dedication have diminished. He contrasts the current players’ seemingly indifferent attitude with the passionate commitment of earlier generations, who played with their hearts on their sleeves. This perceived decline in passion, he argues, is reflected in the Super Eagles’ recent struggles, including their failure to qualify for the World Cup. He holds a pessimistic view of their chances in future qualifying campaigns, acknowledging the difficult position they currently occupy. He recognizes the potential impact of the new coach, Eric Chelle, but believes the team’s future prospects hinge on their ability to quickly adapt to the new coaching regime.
When discussing African football legends, Awurum毫不犹豫地选择了Jay-Jay Okocha as his pick for the greatest African player of all time. He laments Okocha’s failure to win the African Footballer of the Year award, attributing it to the subjective nature of such accolades. In his opinion, Okocha’s skill and contributions to Nigerian football surpass those of many who received the prestigious award. Expanding his scope to the global stage, Awurum unequivocally declares Lionel Messi as the greatest footballer of all time, dismissing any comparisons to Cristiano Ronaldo. He attributes Ronaldo’s achievements to luck and determination rather than pure footballing brilliance, asserting that Messi’s skill and talent are unmatched.
In contrast to his father’s emphasis on academics, Awurum expresses his unwavering support for his children’s aspirations, regardless of whether they choose to pursue sports. He believes in nurturing talent and allowing his children the freedom to pursue their chosen paths, mirroring the support he received from his father in pursuing his acting career. He acknowledges the importance of physical activity and maintains a healthy lifestyle by incorporating regular jogging into his routine, recognizing the benefits of exercise for his age and overall well-being.