Ayodeji Fatunla, a passionate movie critic from Nigeria, is embarking on an ambitious journey to break the Guinness World Record for the longest movie-watching marathon, aiming for a staggering total of 160 hours. He seeks to surpass the current record of 121 hours and 18 minutes set by Suresh Joachim in 2015. Fatunla’s attempt, titled “160 Hours of Nonstop Movie Watching,” is scheduled to take place at the Lagos Theatre in Igando from December 8 to December 15, 2024. His endeavor has garnered support from main sponsor Combo Entertainment, making this a significant event for both him and the Nollywood film industry that he aims to celebrate through this record-breaking attempt.
Fatunla is enthusiastic about the challenge ahead, demonstrating a strong commitment to the task he has set for himself. Planning to watch at least 80 films, he views this endeavor as a manifestation of his deep-rooted passion for cinema, while also signifying a personal achievement. He acknowledges the hard work and determination required to succeed, believing that the record has been held for over nine years and is now ripe for a challenge. For Fatunla, this marathon is not just about breaking a record; it is about establishing a mark of excellence for a passionate critic who wishes to do something monumental in his life and career.
In preparation for his marathon, Fatunla conveys a broader purpose behind his attempt. As a Director of Photography (DOP), he has a keen interest in the intricate process of film production. His goal is to gain insights into various stages of filmmaking—pre-production, production, and post-production—while fostering a deeper understanding of the art that has captivated him. The prospect of spending an exhaustive seven days immersed in film excites him, as he hopes to learn from the works of esteemed producers and directors, including figures like Afolayan and Funke Akindele. Fatunla’s quest for knowledge reflects his genuine appreciation for cinema and his aspiration to delve into the artistry that underpins it.
Furthermore, Fatunla’s initiative has broader implications, as it seeks to shine a light on Nollywood, Nigeria’s vibrant film industry, which has gained international recognition in recent years. By setting a Guinness World Record, he hopes to draw attention to the creativity and talent present in Nigerian cinema, thereby promoting the industry to a wider audience. His wish to make history is intertwined with the desire to honor the craft that has nurtured his passion, creating a sense of pride among fellow Nigerians who may share his love for film.
The attempt also resonates with previous record-holding efforts, particularly the experience of Suresh Joachim, the current record holder. Joachim achieved his marathon with ten other contestants while promoting Telkom’s broadband service at a public event, highlighting the social and competitive elements that often accompany such challenges. Fatunla’s approach, however, appears more personal and introspective, as he views this as an opportunity for self-discovery and appreciation of the filmmaking process.
As Fatunla gears up for this monumental task, his story exemplifies the spirit of determination and ambition often found in the world of cinema. By bringing attention to Nollywood and his own personal journey as a movie critic, he stands on the brink of potentially making history while also enhancing his understanding and love of film. His enthusiasm to break the record underscores not only his commitment to cinema but also the significant cultural resonance of film in Nigeria, aiming to inspire others while being part of an unforgettable experience that celebrates the magic of filmmaking.