The Saving Lives Entity (SALIENT) fund project, a crucial initiative aimed at curbing the illicit trade of small arms, light weapons, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Ghana, recently underwent a comprehensive technical review. Stakeholders convened in Adukrum, Eastern Region, from January 26th to 29th, 2024, to assess progress, identify challenges, and share best practices. This collaborative effort underscores the project’s significance in promoting peace and stability within the region. The meeting served as a vital platform for diverse institutions, including the National Commission for Small Arms, the West Africa Action Network on Small Arms (WAANSA Ghana), the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, and Charter House, to collectively analyze the project’s current trajectory and the effectiveness of implemented interventions.
SALIENT, housed within the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, provides member states with essential resources to combat armed violence and the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of this issue, SALIENT tackles the root causes of armed violence through a comprehensive approach that integrates security and development. The project operates under the guidance of the UN Resident Coordinator, with UN agencies like UNDP and UNODC collaborating with the Ghanaian government and other partners to embed small arms control within broader development frameworks. This integrated approach ensures that the project addresses not only the immediate symptoms but also the underlying factors contributing to the illicit arms trade.
The technical review meeting served as a critical juncture for stakeholders to evaluate the efficacy of their collective efforts. Mr. Leonard Tettey, a UNDP representative, emphasized the importance of such periodic reviews, highlighting the need for ongoing assessment of both progress and challenges in project management. He stressed that this process is fundamental to the successful implementation of the SALIENT fund project. The discussions centered around identifying areas needing improvement, disseminating effective strategies, and formulating solutions to overcome existing obstacles. The collaborative nature of the meeting facilitated the sharing of experiences, challenges, and successes among the various institutions involved in the project.
Mr. Samuel Williams Yeboah, Executive Secretary of the National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons, further elaborated on the meeting’s objectives. He outlined the key goals as reviewing the project’s current status, identifying challenges and opportunities in activity implementation, developing actionable recommendations and strategies, and fostering stronger collaboration among stakeholders. This collaborative approach aims to leverage the collective expertise of the participating institutions. Mr. Yeboah, recently appointed to the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Conventional Arms for 2025, highlighted the significance of the meeting in producing a comprehensive report on the status of SALIENT activities. This report will provide a detailed assessment of the project’s progress, enabling informed decision-making and enhanced collaboration between implementing agencies and partners.
The technical review meeting culminated in comprehensive reports presented by the representatives of the implementing institutions and partners. These reports provided detailed insights into the progress of individual project components, challenges encountered, and lessons learned. This information sharing allowed for a holistic understanding of the project’s overall trajectory and facilitated the identification of areas requiring further attention or adjustments. The collaborative environment fostered constructive feedback and the development of strategies to address identified challenges effectively.
The SALIENT fund project embodies a crucial step towards mitigating the destabilizing effects of illicit small arms and light weapons in Ghana. The technical review meeting served as a pivotal moment for stakeholders to consolidate their efforts, refine their strategies, and reaffirm their commitment to the project’s objectives. By fostering collaboration, promoting knowledge sharing, and addressing challenges proactively, the SALIENT project aims to create a more secure and peaceful environment for communities impacted by armed violence. The project’s success relies on the continued commitment and collaborative efforts of all stakeholders involved, and the technical review meeting provided a crucial platform to reinforce this shared commitment and pave the way for future progress.