The Saving Lives Entity (SALIENT) fund project, a collaborative initiative aimed at combating the illicit trade in small arms, recently convened a technical review meeting to assess progress, identify challenges, and strategize for enhanced implementation. State and non-state actors participating in the project reaffirmed their commitment to a unified approach, emphasizing the crucial role of proactive information sharing and the adoption of best practices to ensure the project’s timely and effective execution. This meeting served as a platform for stakeholders to share insights, lessons learned, and successful interventions, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to achieving the project’s overarching goals.

The SALIENT project, operating under the leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator, brings together a diverse coalition of actors, including UN agencies such as UNDP and UNODC, the Government of Ghana, and other key partners like the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), the West Africa Action Network on Small Arms (WAANSA Ghana), the National Commission for Small Arms, and the Charter House. This collaborative framework aims to integrate small arms control into development frameworks, recognizing the interconnectedness of security and development. The technical review meeting provided an opportunity for these diverse stakeholders to align their efforts and optimize their collective impact.

Representatives from the participating organizations presented updates on their respective contributions to the project, highlighting both progress and challenges encountered. Dr. John Pokoo of KAIPTC outlined the center’s achievements, challenges, and the adaptive strategies employed to overcome obstacles and maintain progress towards the project’s objectives. He reaffirmed KAIPTC’s unwavering commitment to the project’s success. Similarly, Mr. Francis Ameyibor of WAANSA Ghana detailed the group’s accomplishments, including the development and submission of key documents to relevant duty bearers. However, he also noted the difficulties encountered in engaging with these duty bearers due to scheduling conflicts arising from the 2024 election cycle.

The technical review meeting also addressed the broader context of the SALIENT project, emphasizing the urgency of addressing the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Ghana and the ECOWAS sub-region. Mr. Leonard Tettey, a UNDP representative, underscored the project’s focus on strengthening institutional capacity, improving border control measures, and promoting community engagement as key strategies to combat illicit trafficking. He highlighted the importance of the project in light of the increasingly volatile security situation in the Sahel and neighboring countries, underscoring the need for robust interventions to mitigate the risks posed by the illicit arms trade.

Mr. Samuel Williams Yeboah, Executive Secretary of the National Commission on Small Arms and Light Weapons, commended the partners for their renewed focus on strategic planning, recognizing its importance in addressing challenges and ensuring the successful implementation of the SALIENT FUND project. This emphasis on strategic planning reflects the project’s commitment to adapting to evolving circumstances and maximizing its impact. The technical review meeting served as a critical juncture for evaluating progress, identifying areas for improvement, and reaffirming the collective commitment to achieving the project’s goals.

The SALIENT project’s multi-faceted approach, encompassing institutional strengthening, border control enhancements, and community engagement, reflects a comprehensive strategy to tackle the complex issue of illicit arms trafficking. The project’s focus on collaboration and information sharing among state and non-state actors is crucial for building a unified front against this transnational threat. By fostering dialogue, sharing best practices, and addressing challenges proactively, the SALIENT project aims to create a more secure and stable environment in Ghana and the broader ECOWAS sub-region. The technical review meeting served as a vital mechanism for reinforcing this collaborative spirit and ensuring the project remains on track to achieve its ambitious objectives.

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