The West African Gas Pipeline Company (WAPCO) is embarking on a crucial maintenance operation of its offshore pipeline, spanning from Nigeria to Aboadze in Ghana. This essential undertaking, scheduled from February 5th to March 2nd, 2025, will involve cleaning the pipeline, known as “pigging,” and replacing subsea valves. This maintenance is critical for ensuring the pipeline’s continued safe and reliable operation, adhering to regulatory requirements and industry best practices. It also provides an opportunity to assess the integrity and condition of the pipeline, a vital step in preventing potential issues and ensuring long-term functionality.
The pigging process involves inserting specialized devices, known as “pigs,” into the pipeline to remove accumulated debris, dirt, and liquids. This cleaning process is essential for maintaining the pipeline’s efficiency and preventing blockages that could disrupt gas flow. In addition to cleaning, the maintenance period will also focus on the inspection of the pipeline’s internal walls. This inspection will help identify any potential weaknesses or areas of concern, allowing for proactive repairs and preventative measures to be taken. Replacing the subsea valves is another key aspect of this maintenance project, further enhancing the pipeline’s safety and operational efficiency.
This comprehensive maintenance exercise, conducted every five years as per regulatory mandates by the West African Gas Pipeline Authority, marks the third such operation since the processing plant’s inception. The previous cleaning operations took place in 2012 and 2020, demonstrating WAPCO’s commitment to adhering to regulatory guidelines and maintaining the pipeline’s optimal performance. While the primary activities will be concentrated offshore at WAPCO’s facilities in Lagos, Nigeria, and Takoradi, Ghana, the impact of this maintenance will be felt across the region.
During the maintenance period, WAPCO will temporarily suspend the reverse gas flow from Ghana’s Western Region to Tema in the East. Additionally, gas transportation services from Nigeria to Cotonou (Benin), Lomé (Togo), and Tema (Ghana) will be temporarily halted. However, gas transportation to Takoradi will continue, with approximately 90,000 mmscf/d of gas required to propel the Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) through the pipeline. This partial continuation of service underscores WAPCO’s commitment to minimizing disruption to its clients while undertaking this essential maintenance.
WAPCO emphasizes its commitment to safety and efficiency throughout this process. Extensive stakeholder engagement has taken place to ensure a smooth and successful project execution. This includes collaboration with the governments of Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, and Benin, as well as maritime and regulatory authorities in each country. WAPCO has also engaged with its customers, shippers, gas off-takers, and host communities to ensure transparency and address any potential concerns. The company’s engineering and safety teams have meticulously planned the operation, prioritizing the safety of all personnel involved.
The majority of the maintenance activities will be conducted offshore at WAPCO’s facilities in Lagos, Nigeria, and Takoradi, Ghana. This strategic approach aims to minimize disruption to the host communities in the vicinity of these facilities. WAPCO is implementing a world-class effluent management system at its Takoradi facility to handle any effluent resulting from the pipeline cleaning process. This demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility and mitigating any potential negative impact on the surrounding environment. Despite the inherent costs associated with this comprehensive maintenance operation, WAPCO remains committed to maintaining its current pricing for customers, absorbing the expenses without passing them on to consumers. This commitment reinforces WAPCO’s dedication to providing reliable and affordable gas transportation services to the region.